Paediatric Ear Nose and Throat Surgery

Tonsils, grommets and adenoid operations are all very common in children. However it is a very unnerving time as a parent supporting them through this. Fortunately children tend to cope very well and recover rapidly from operations and anaesthesia.

Fasting children is a struggle and we try to minimise the impact of this. The list order is normally done according to age, with the youngest first.

Going off to sleep is very variable and depends very much on the child. Having a calm parent or guardian present is usually very helpful. We either utilise a mask or drip to start the anaesthetic. It is useful if parents have prepared their child that they might get to have a funny mask to breathe from (usually they are flavoured to help children find it easier) and might get a little drip with a sticker on their hand. Remember, as a parent, watching this can be very upsetting. Sometimes the children may cry, move about and resist the process. However the team is focussed entirely on the child, and so as soon as we are underway and your child is getting sleepy we will show you outside so we can focus ENTIRELY on looking after them.

For the anaesthetic we place an intravenous cannula (either before, using numbing cream if able, or after going to sleep), and give pain killers and anti nausea medications. We wake them up as soon as the operation is done and transfer them to the recovery room when safe. Once they are starting to wake, it is great to have a parent to be able to comfort them. Sometimes children can be a bit confused or upset on waking, but normally settle down quite rapidly with a parent and a drink.

Please see this video below for some useful information